October 16, 2024

Tal Coska

The Shocking Revelation of Skills

What are the success factors in the legal field?

Online law school
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A major success factor in the legal or legal field is of course the state examination. The grade is important, but not the only decisive factor in later achieving your goals. A second success factor is, for example, an additional qualification such as a doctorate or a master’s degree.

After passing the distance learning exam, many opportunities open up, of course, without an exam, it will be difficult to become a successful lawyer. But once you’ve passed the exam, you can, in principle, not only choose who you want to work with, but also in which area of ​​law. Then there are many ways to become successful.

Goal setting and success as a lawyer are related

ALU Law School

Your goal is not only what drives you and perhaps reinforces your decision to study law, but it is also what drives you through the demotivating phases of your studies because then you know why you are doing it. Once you have defined your goal and your success factors, your studies will probably be easier. And this goal does not have to be a lawyer in a big law firm, but your very own – your definition of success!

Digitization of the industry

The way we work has also changed. Our industry is becoming increasingly digital. More and more processes are being automated, and more and more documents are being checked electronically. Developments in the field of artificial intelligence are constantly bringing new possibilities. Lawyers are well advised to take advantage of the new technologies and to open up to digitization. The quality of the service can only improve as a result. But even digitization will never make human contact superfluous in our profession. The face-to-face conversation, the court appearance, the face-to-face hearing and shaking hands across the table will never go away.

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